What’s been going on?

Isn’t it strange that when you’re asked what you’ve been up to your mind goes blank? It happens to us all so we thought we’d keep you updated with a weekly blog about all things TIWN - you never know, you might just learn about an upcoming gig or release, discover a brand new band or maybe just get bored by our ramblings... Read on!


We’ve got some great live events this month and it started at the Newbridge Memo on Friday 18th with 7 amazing bands on the bill. Dan’s People, The Lost And Found, The Zinvandels, The Rivers, Miles Per Minute and Papa Jupe’s T.C delivered a fantastic show. There’s also instores, music at the markets and our Storyteller event.

18/11/22 - TIWN: Did You Get The Memo? at Newbridge Memo (7pm-Late)

19/11/22 - Catherine Elms at Swansea Bay Records (1-2pm)

24/11/22 - Tony Webb at Port Talbot Market (4.30-5.30pm)

25/11/22 - Storyteller Evening with Paul Hayes at HQ Urban Kitchen, Swansea (8-10pm)

TIWN & Vision

Episode 2 of TIWN & Vision will be out the first week of December - you can watch it on Amazon Fire TV, Roku or at Showboat TV’s Website It features Balsamo-Collins-Riley, Jodie Marie, Igloo Hearts and a few surprises ! Thanks to all 32,000 of you that tuned in for episode 1!!

TIWN Magazine

Next month sees the launch of the new TIWN magazine - we’re pretty excited about this and there’ll be a huge launch at Bourton’s Cafe and Music Bar, in Bargoed, to celebrate. We’ve been very fortunate to get North Wales’ Igloo Hearts to perform on the night. If you’d like to advertise in a future issue please email us at: info@tiwnmedia.co.uk


Some of the artists that we’re working with this month are Mr Bewlay, Jack Ellis, Paisley Parc and The Dragonflies - watch out for their new releases!


We’ve also got some fantastic new merchandise designs available from our store (Xmas is coming after all).


The TIWN Academy goes from strength to strength and we were recently at Pantside School delivering songwriting workshops. The pupils were excellent and we’ve got some great tunes coming your way. If you’re involved with a school and would like to chat about the academy please drop us a line at: info@tiwnmedia.co.uk

Welsh Connections

You may have seen that we’ve had quite a few No.1 shows in the global mixcloud charts. We’d just like to thank everyone that listens in (and comes in for an interview) and all of the artists that send in their music for the playlist show - which now reached over 200,000 listeners every week around the world !

Listen HERE


We visited the Spirit Of Wales distillery in Newport recently to chat with James and Beth about linking up on a few projects - watch this space because there’s going to be an exciting announcement soon…

Record Shop

One final piece of news, we’re working with a new record shop in Llanelli (opening December 2022) called The Second 45. Please pop along to visit - there’ll be regular live music and a huge range of music by local artists on sale as well as other Vinyl, CDs, Cassettes and books!


Tuned In & Turned On.


Bob Dylan Thomas